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Luggage designed by motorcyclists for motorcyclists
Oxford lifetime luggage is designed by motorcyclists in the UK. They are so confident of its quality and durability that they guarantee it against faulty manufacture or materials for Life! The Lifetime guarantee does not, however, extend to rain covers, buckles and zip tags, which are covered under there usual 12 month warranty. Oxfords First Time luggage range is an economical alternative to their Lifetime Luggage range and comes with a no-quibble 12 month warranty.
Because they ride bikes they understand that motorcycle luggage needs to be adjustable, so that it can be fitted to a wide variety of machines and must be made from durable, weatherproof material. It also needs to offer decent carrying capacity and to look good. We are never complacent and every year we build more features into our designs which is why we are Europe?s first choice for motorcycle luggage.
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