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Alpinestars Corozal Adventure Boots

Adventure touring boots with buckle closure and Velcro calf adjustment

A premium, multi-material adventure touring boot the Alpinestars Corozal Adventure is packed with class-leading protective features, such as an advanced polymer shin-plate and innovative lateral ankle protection with a supporting biomechanical link between the upper boot and the lower foot structure. The new buckle closure system allows for easy and rapid in/out, plus a secure and highly personalized closure. The buckles are made from durable TPU and glass fibre reinforced Nylon compounds for greater performance and weight-saving. All buckles include a micro-ratchet memory system and quick-release/locking for a quick, safe and precise closure. Every component on this boot is designed for weight-saving and performance regardless of the weather or terrain, from the integrated Drystar breathable membrane to its advanced microfibre and suede chassis.
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Adventure touring boots with buckle closure and hook and loop calf adjustment

RRP £309.99