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Knox Handroid MK5 Glove CE
Leather glove that uses a BOA lacing system, and has Kangaroo and Cowhide Scaphoid protection
CE approved to EN13594. The Mk5 shifts the Handroid up another gear! The Mk5 has a visually exciting new contemporary printed leather design, and new striking colours. There are major functional improvements too. For the first time the Handroid loses its twin wrist cuff and is replaced with a sleek single sided polished LDPE wrist cuff to give improved strength, abrasion and impact resistance with Micro-Lock impact protection encapsulated inside. This new wrist system also improves dexterity, comfort and ease of use. A new BOA lacing system which, for the first time, has a micro adjustable BOA dial... read more
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Mixed kangaroo and drum dyed cowhide gloves with BOA lacing system and Exoskeleton armour
Mixed kangaroo and drum dyed cowhide gloves with BOA lacing system and Exoskeleton armour
Mixed kangaroo and drum dyed cowhide gloves with BOA lacing system and Exoskeleton armour
RRP $345.00