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SENA Spider ST1 Mesh Headset & Intercom

Group Mesh 5.1 Mesh intercom system with HD speakers, audio multitasking and fast charging

Meet the Spider ST1, a mesh-equipped headset with a glove-friendly jog-dial control. Operating exclusively on the groundbreaking Mesh intercom platform, which streamlines rider-to-rider communication. Featuring two different Sena Mesh Intercom™ modes: Group Mesh Intercom and Multi-Channel Open Mesh Intercom. When using Group Mesh, users create a private group that supports up to 24 riders over a range of up to 5 miles / 8 km (min 6 riders @ 1 mi / 1.6 km intervals). Users are invited into Group Mesh, for added control and privacy.
Showing 1 - 2 of 2

Group Mesh 5.2 Bluetooth intercom system with HD speakers, audio multitasking and fast charging

RRP £379.00

Group Mesh Bluetooth 5.2 intercom system with HD speakers, audio multitasking and fast charging

RRP £209.00