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Michelin Road 6

Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability

As the latest in a long line of class-leading sport touring tyres, Michelin's Road 6 tyre range offers riders of roadsters, trail bikes, sportsbikes and GT motorcycles the optimised performance in terms of wet grip, longevity, comfort and handling. Alongside the standard Michelin Road 6 tyre range, which now incorporates sizes for big trail bikes, there is also the Michelin Road 6 GT tyre designed for grand touring machines.
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Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability


Sport touring tyre with unrivalled wet weather grip, mile longevity and durability
