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Rev'it Vertical GTX Textile Jacket

Waterproof textile jacket with laminated Gore-Tex shell and ventilation panels

The Rev'it Vertical GTX jacket is ideal for year-round touring and riding. This is made possible by the distinctive laminated Gore-Tex outer shell with sporty accents. The 2L Gore-Tex laminate is extremely breathable and 100% waterproof. Thanks to the removable thermal liner, riders can stay warm and comfortable during rides in colder temperatures. On hotter days, on-demand airflow is provided by Rev'it's patented VCS Aquadefence ventilation system with a magnetic Fidlock closure. Thanks to the air vents on the back, the air flows through the jacket and will keep the upper body cool and comfortable. The highest level of protection is provided by Seeflex CE-level 2 armour at the elbows and shoulders, and the jacket is also prepared for the Seesoft CE-level 2 back protector and Seesoft CE-level 1 chest protectors. The Vertical GTX jacket comes with special connection points for the Connector Neon vest so riders can easily and instantly upgrade visibility on the road when riding in bad weather or low light situations.
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Waterproof textile jacket with laminated Gore-Tex shell and ventilation panels

RRP £549.99

Waterproof textile jacket with laminated Gore-Tex shell and ventilation panels

RRP £549.99

Waterproof textile jacket with laminated Gore-Tex shell and ventilation panels

RRP £549.99

Waterproof textile jacket with laminated Gore-Tex shell and ventilation panels

RRP £549.99

Waterproof textile jacket with laminated Gore-Tex shell and ventilation panels

RRP £549.99