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Klim Induction Pro Textile Jacket

Tough Karbonite mesh, highly vented jacket with stretch fit, reinforced panels and D3O armour

The Induction Pro is engineered to deliver class-leading airflow for comfort in even the warmest riding conditions, whilst still providing exceptional protection. Made from Karbonite mesh fabric which is comfortable, flexible and very strong offering excellent abrasion resistance. D3O armour inserts offer impact protection and large all over vents provide high levels of airflow.
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Tough Karbonite mesh, highly vented jacket with stretch fit, reinforced panels and D3O armour


RRP £500.00

Tough Karbonite mesh, highly vented jacket with stretch fit, reinforced panels and D3O armour


RRP £500.00

Tough Karbonite mesh, highly vented jacket with stretch fit, reinforced panels and D3O armour


RRP £500.00

Tough Karbonite mesh, highly vented jacket with stretch fit, reinforced panels and D3O armour


RRP £500.00