By the time a Shoei helmet leaves the factory in Ibaraki, Japan, it will have gone through at least 50 pairs of hands during its creation. Shoei prides itself on making helmets by hand, and that's one of the reasons why the brand is so highly regarded by motorcyclists all over the world. Shoei made its first motorcycle helmet back in 1960 and has been responsible for a host of world-firsts as it's become one of the world's foremost helmet manufacturers. It created its first helmet with a carbon-fibre shell as long ago as 1976 and can claim to be the first company to develop chin skirting, integrated visor mountings and controllable air intakes to keep riders cool. The range covers everything from sleek urban helmets through to the most advanced racing protection on the planet. Shoei's racing pedigree goes way back to the legendary era of two-stroke Grand Prix warriors like Wayne Gardner, Eddie Lawson and Wayne Rainey. The influence continues today with multiple world champion Marc Marquez wearing Shoei throughout his glory-filled career. When you see the Shoei badge, it's more than a brand. It is a stamp of premium quality.