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Nexx Y.100R

Lightweight sports helmet with rear spoiler, removable interior and inner sun visor

Thanks to many hours spent in Aerodynamic studies and wind-tunnel tests the Y.100R's special shape allows a relatively lightweight helmet, with a sporty design that optimizes both stability and soundproofing at high speed. A double-blade air spoiler positioned at the rear, optimizes aerodynamic performance and reduces turbulence at high speeds. The large upper vent and the extremely efficient chin ventilation system allow a large volume of cool air to enter the helmet. In turn, the dual EPS Liner includes an innovative air chamber between them: this allows a truly breathable helmet, with an optimum exchange of warm, humid air with incoming cool, fresh air. All interior parts, including the thick neck roll, are removable, skin-friendly (Antiallergenic and Antibacterial properties) and made from soft-touch X-Mart Dry fabrics that keep the interior cool, dry and comfortable.  