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Nolan X-804 RS Ultra Carbon

ECE 22.06 helmet with Racing air flow ventilation, emergency release system and ultrawide visor

Nolan presents the evolution of excellence in the racing world, the flagship helmet signed Xseries: X-804 RS Ultra Carbon is born. Born from the legacy of the X-803, this cutting-edge carbon masterpiece sets new standards in helmet performance dedicated to the racing world. Designed for motorcyclists seeking impeccable safety, maximum comfort, lightness and aerodynamic finesse. Its design is elegant but also aggressive, capable of attracting attention on the track as well as on the road. This helmet is inspired by the great sporting feats in MotoGP and Superbike and is forged through the experience of our riders on the track. X-804 is the spearhead of Nolan's fibre helmet line, now bearing the Xseries signature.  