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Rapid Bike Racing Fuelling Kit

Performance racing fuelling management module with auto-adaptive features and multiple map control

The Rapid Bike Racing add-on module represents the highest level of technology available for reaching top performance, offering the widest range of solutions for demanding professional track riders and street users. Starting from the latest standards set by Rapid Bike Evo, the Racing module offers a revolutionary technology to manage the crankshaft position sensor signal and is designed to provide additional and innovative features to reach unmatched results within the competitive arena.
Pick-up signal management for accurate control of injection and spark advance timing with the ignition map. Engine braking is managed while decelerating to prevent rear wheel jumping and improve the bike's stability while leaning. The pit-lane limiter can be activated manually with a handlebar switch to reduce and maintain constant speed in the pit lane area. It also features a duel setting to optimise the main engine parameters in real time and select the best possible setting between two different pre-sets.

Additional YouTune features

The Rapid Bike Racing Module is able to manage additional and exclusive functions once it is installed with the YouTune controller, turning your bike into a more powerful and safer riding machine such as; traction control management which is based on controlling the bike's acceleration detected by the engine's crankshaft position sensor; when acceleration is such that it compromises the appropriate traction level, the system applies a sequence of injection cuts in order to bring it back within pre-set limits. The Rapid Bike traction control system is user-friendly and fully customisable in order to match different riding skills while providing additional safety and reliability in all riding conditions. Launch control allows the release of engine power only when top RPM has been reached, and at the same time, calculates the effect and timing of the traction control being applied during this specific operation. The RPM (Speed) management control maintains constant engine power delivery thanks to an effective system of RPM limiting to keep speed under control for a comfortable ride, even in traffic jams etc. The Rapid Bike Racing Fuelling module performs additional features with the installation of the YouTune controller, such as, managing kill time of electronic quick-shifting, modifying the target of air/fuel ratio parameters for auto-remapping fuel adjustments, fine tune the modulation of engine braking effects and displaying a number of engine parameters showing TC and EB operating, and activating RPM/Speed control feature.  