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Range of hard and soft luggage plus accessories from Shad
Why Shad Cases? Shad manufactures and distributes cases of various capacities and styles for large motorcycles to scooters and maxi scooters. Common characteristics of all Shad cases are the great quality of the materials used, increasing their guarantee and resistance, their high performance and their innovative aesthetics. The Shad brand belongs to NADSL, a company which has been active in the manufacture of seats and cases for the top motorcycle makers for many years. Since its beginnings, Shad has been committed to offering a high quality product.
Shad Soft Luggage
Shad Top Cases & Panniers
Shad Fitting Kits
Shad Accessories
Shad Spares
Shad Phone & GPS Mounts
Pair of telescopically expanding hard cases with inner mesh pocket and retractable carry handle
RRP £487.99
Pair of telescopically expanding hard cases with inner mesh pocket and retractable carry handle
RRP £576.99