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Buse Clothing

A comprehensive range of motorcycle clothing from Buse

Over the last 25 years, the name Buse has developed a reputation for producing hard wearing and dependable motorcycle fashion. Although relatively new to the UK, Buse are one of the most popular brands in Germany and continue to grow every year, producing innovative motorcycle clothing to suit most riding styles across all climates.

Verified Customer Reviews for Buse Clothing

Good fit and quality
Buse Highland Textile Trousers - Black Buse Highland Textile Trousers - Black
06 October 2020 by Krunoslav K
Good quality product, goes well with the Bose Highland jacket and they fit well too. Did not test in rain though. As always, SPORTBIKESHOP shopping experience was outstanding, some much bigger brands can learn a lesson from you folks.Well done.
Good fit
Buse Highland Textile Trousers - Black Buse Highland Textile Trousers - Black
12 December 2019 by Andrew A
Trousers fit really well,My trouser size is 34 waist ,ordered the large size which fit perfectly. My order arrived in a couple of days, to my delight, earlier than the quoted delivery date of 7 days
