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Dainese Body Armour

Famed for biker protection, Dainese offer the very best body armour available

In 1972 Mr Lino Dainese made some leather motocross trousers, starting a biking brand that has since brought style and innovation to motorcyclists the world over. Working with some of the most evocative names in motorcycle racing, Dainese led the way in the development of leather stretch panels, knee sliders and race suits- cut to suit the rider in a real world riding position. The 80's brought back protectors (with Barry Sheene), composite armour, and more aerodynamic suits; whilst the 90's brought gloves with knuckle armour and the first biking airbag system. Dainese remains at the forefront of motorcycle clothing technology and continues to be the brand of choice for the biggest names in bike racing, all the way up to the greatest rider of all time, Valentino Rossi. Today, Dainese is one of the most recognisable, coolest, and most aspirational motorcycle brands on the planet. With a well deserved reputation for safety that has crossed over into nearly every extreme sport there is, the name Dainese is synonymous with style, protection, comfort and durability.  