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Aramid Jeans

A selection of aramid fibre lined motorcycle jeans

Developed in the 1960's by Aramid fibre is used in many different applications across many different industries, motorcycle safety jeans being just one. Primarily used for its lightweight properties and high levels of abrasion resistance aramid fibres offer a biker considerably more protection than standard denim/ nylon, helping to protect a motorcyclist in the event of a slide. There are varying levels of use within motorcycle safety jeans, from the placement of panels within specific areas of the jean, to fully lined offering extra protection from waist to ankle. We stock a variety of brands offering aramid fibre protection including Richa, Held, RST, Furygan, and Armr Moto. We also now offer a wide spectrum of bike jean styles that are increasingly closer in styling to fashion jeans, from skinny fit straight leg, to bootcut. Whilst very few manufacturers would claim that aramid fibres offer the same level of protection as leather, there is very little question that they are more protective than a standard pair of fashion jeans and do make a significant difference to your riding safety, particularly when used with knee and hip armour.  