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Givi Hard Cases & Panniers

Range of hard top boxes and side panniers

Givi cases are suitable for motorcycles, scooters and maxi scooters.
This range of cases is the result of more than 20 years experience in the production of motorcycle accessories and represents the best on the market for design and functionality. Thanks to Givi's attention to detail, these cases are designed to fit the motorcycle properly and are the solution to all needs for all customers. They are a technological point of reference for a complete and satisfying riding experience. These cases are made to guarantee ease of use, thanks to the fitting system of the plate, all possible with the use of a single key. Givi has patented the two most famous locking systems in the world; the Monokey and Monolock systems.

The Monokey series is Givi's top of the range locking system which typically has a more substantial mount with more features and a higher quality construction. Monolock cases are generally lighter cases with a smaller mount; they are of a more lightweight construction, which makes them ideal for scooter and smaller motorcycle applications. Monolock and Monokey cases attach differently to their top plates. Monokey cases are interchangeable and can be used as top case and/or side cases. Monolock cases are designed to be used as top cases only and cannot be used as side cases due to their more lightweight construction and mounting system.  